Monday, October 27, 2014

Assignment #3 Your Political Party

Make your own party platform! Scan the PowerPoints for this Chapter re: Dem and Republican platforms for a quick overview for ideas. Then

  • Pick your new official party name (not from above!)
  • Your party goals will be:
    • Security
      • From inside our borders (add 3 strategies)
      • From outside our borders (add 3 strategies)
    • Health (add 3 strategies)
    • Economy (add 3 strategies)
    • Education (add 3 strategies)
          Write three strategies you will implement immediately to reach each of these 4 goals as                     indicated above

Due Friday. Post here on class website!


  1. My party is called The Shaffer Code and the party goals entail 4 categories: Security, Health, Economy, and Education with 3 strategies to improve our country per category:

    -Inside our borders:
    1.All immigrants have to get proper background checks and have proper documentation
    2.In an airport, per shift there has to be at least one TSA member that is either ex military or law enforcement trained, for a more secure airport.
    3.Any person involved in any type of terrorism or tries to represent a terrorist group foreign or domestic, shall be subject to the absolute minimum of 15 years in federal prison.

    -Outside the Borders:
    1.If there is a known plague or disease in a certain area outside our borders, all transportation will be cut off to or from that certain area, no civilian or military exceptions. This is to prevent outbreak of the sickness in the United States
    2.Send ground troops to an area where a terrorism threat comes from as quick as possible to make a more immediate impact rather than just dropping one bomb on an area where a lot of the terrorist threat might not even be.
    3.Heighten security with greater American military presence at U.S. embassy's around the world.

    1.Give the American people Greater variety in healthcare options so they can choose for themselves and for people with less of an income have a government mandate to provide healthcare, possibly expand medicate.
    2.For disease outbreak control; any medical personnel that are working with people that have an infectious disease or sickness the medical personnel must stay in the general area of where they work, so for example the medical personnel would not be able to fly anywhere.
    3.Expand research and treatment options for deadly diseases like cancer by tax percentage based on income.

    1.Unless a person is disabled, a person if they wish to receive food stamps or welfare checks must work a certain amount of hours per week, the job doesn't matter, even if it is at Burger King they need to work for what they want.
    2.Offer greater tax breaks to companies who hire American workers, that create an American products. The government can help the companies to be more efficient to make the goods cheaper so that we can compete with foreign products.
    3.We will be more energy independent by drilling more on American soil, this in turn will create more jobs and make resource prices cheaper.

    1.Encourage colleges to lower tuition, base it off the number of students enrolled and academic progress as well as graduation rates for students.
    2.Add to the high school curriculum around the country. Create a mandatory class that would help students learn life skills like managing a checkbook or paying bills to help prepare them for adulthood.
    3.For struggling high school students, instead of having study hall during the day, send them to a tutor during the would be study hall time for better comprehension and they would be rewarded with improvement, the reward would depend on school.

    Kyle Shaffer

    1. Lots of thoughtful ideas/strategies. Liked the increased attention to tax support for medical research and subsidies for American companies to compete against offshore products.

  2. My political party is called Young Unapppreciated Minors for Improvement (Y.U.M.I)
    Security: (inside) food banks, seminar that encourage youth not to commit crime, and lectures to reduce teen pregnancy.( outside) keep youth out of militia, international foodbanks in third world countries, and child welfare social workers
    Health: healthy food charts that list healthy foods, how much you should eat and it factors in weight, age, and gender. Programs that come into schools to show them healthy exercises, and encourages them to do specific sports to reduce obesity. Healthy hygiene courses that are super detailed, and teaches each gender group separately how to clean their body parts and how frequently.
    Economy: celeb funding to donate money for school materials, and clothes. Have grocery stores donate food for the foodbanks and to school for better lunches. Have Mcdonald's and Walmart advertise our parties programs to spread the world, and donate food.\
    Education: send lecturers out to teach minor how they should be treat by teacher, peers, and parents. Also what to do if they are not being treated well. Offer free tutoring in schools and internationally. Programs that explain to youth how do taxes, write checks, and how to properly be interviewed.

    1. Like your internal security trategies re: crime/food/teen pregnancies; all realted to enhancing our local security inside our borders.

  3. My political party would be named then Underprivileged Americans (U.A.)

    Security inside: encourage unprivileged to fight for rights, encourage underprivileged to take action in community, encourage citizens to have right to better job opportunity.

    Security outside: must be US citizen, must be free from disease, no wealthy or privileged people.

    Health: Provide physical fitness exercises to relive stress, provide proper resources for appropriate hygiene.

    Economy: Have clothing stores donate buy encouraging customers to donate a dollar per transaction, grocery stores to donate food, Churches to have fundraiser to encourage donators.

    Education: Teach citizens about unprivileged americans, offer donations all over, teach underprivileged how to become successful.

    April Orosz

    1. Don't follow your outside security strategies. No more wealthy people?
      Must be a U.S. citizen to gain access to our countrY?

  4. My political party is called Bettering Our Future (BOF)

    Security inside:
    For men:
    Motivate young men to change their future, motivate them to actively make a difference in their community, motivate them to change the statistics of absent fathers
    For women: Motivate young women to respect themselves and their bodies, motivate women to demand respect in our culture, and motivate women to pursue healthy relationships

    Security outside:
    Must be US citizen, must be in the adolescent to young adult age group, must be willing to change the future(open minded)

    Health: Give them easier and more affordable options for healthcare, Give young, single mothers health information for their children as well as themselves, and Provide information on the psychological affects on a child who has an absent father

    Economy: Have churches provide assistance and fundraising opportunities for mothers who are struggling financially, Have tax breaks for single mothers, and have a fundraiser specifically for single parent homes to donate clothing, school supplies, and toys for Christmas

    Education: Educate young adults on the importance of having a proper family dynamics and the affects it can have on a child's emotional and psychological health, educate young men about how to be a proper father figure for their children, and educate young adults on how ways to change the future statistics.

    1. Solid suggestions. I don't follow your "security outside" strategies, though

  5. My political party is the New Generation Party

    Security inside: Our 3 strategies for security inside our borders are to hire more police officers in states that have higher crime rates, invest in more street cameras to catch robberies, killers, etc., and lastly we will make sure that in every grocery store, jewelry store, etc. there will be an armed and trained security guard.

    Security outside: We will provide all of our airplanes with security footage. Also there will be security procedures done thoroughly on people coming into the United States from other countries. Also we will have mandatory record checks on the immigrants that enter into this country.

    Health: One of the strategies that we have to improve health coverage is to provide health benefits for occupations that do not have it such as fast food and retail workers, regardless if you’re full or part time. Also we will rise the age for how long parents can have their kids on their health insurance. With our new policy parents will be allowed to keep their children on the health insurance until they’ve reached the age of 23. And if the children have kids, then their kids will be covered as well. And our last strategy is to use more funding towards health coverage so that we make sure all citizens will have it.

    Education: Our goal for education is to make sure we can get as many kids to graduate and go to college as possible. One strategy that we plan on enforcing is making every school have a strict dress code policy. When kids dress different and some kids wear better clothes than others it causes bullying, and takes focus away from their studies. Another one of our strategies is to create a required list of academics for every grade level in order to advance to the next one. And if the kids do not come within a certain range of knowing the required material, then they will be held back. We believe that when you advance a kid to a grade level that they are not ready for is just setting them up for failure at that next level. And our last strategy is lower the cost for a college education.

    Economy: Our first strategy that will help reach our goal will be legalizing gay/lesbian marriage for every state. As I stated before we are all for change and we feel that homosexual citizens deserve all the same opportunities as heterosexual individuals. Also we will try to get citizens more involved with political campaigns and elections. We will do this being in the communities making speeches and letting the citizens know how much their opinions matter and how them voting affects not only their community but them as well. And lastly, we will coordinate more voluntary groups to pick up trash and also do things like give out food to the homeless.

    1. Wow! Great plan! Can I join!
      BTW, currently health care of a young adult on parents plan ends at 26. You're roposing 23 be the cutoff, which is lower.

  6. Political Party Name: Youth Improvement Party
    Goals: Security, Health, Economy, and Education
    1) Security: (Inside)- Increase the security check in airports, therefore do not let anyone with a criminal background enter this country. Encourage citizens to participate more in the community; voting, community services, and food banks. Our third goal would be to decrease the crime rates by increasing security and providing more lectures to encourage people to stop crime.
    2) Security:( Outside)- Prevent the threat of terrorism by sending troops to the country with the terrorists. Prevent people from bringing diseases from different countries. Our third goal is to decrease crime rate around the world and provide food for people in need.
    Health: Give older residents and people under the age of 18 free health cares. For people who are in between the age of 18 and 65, provide them with various choices of health care. Educate people about healthy food, and healthy exercises. Decrease the advertisement of unhealthy foods.
    Economy: Encourage people to donate money to help the community. Increase tax for people who are earning a lot of money and give a tax break for poor people. Also, open up government jobs for people who are currently unemployed. Therefore, this could provide money for everyone.
    Education: Offer more sports and physical activities in school. Encourage people to donate for schools and pass lobbies. Help to bring more foreign language classes in school. Also teach students about healthy lifestyle to help them in their life.

    -Meg Dhimal

    1. More foreign languages. Great!
      Overall ,very solid plan, Meg

  7. The Progressive People’s Party

    Inside our borders-
    • There will be a 15% increase to the immigration and naturalization service’s in order to keep illegal from entering the United States.
    • No acts of terrorism will be tolerated, if anybody performs any form of this act they will be subject to a minimum of 20 years in federal prison.
    • There will be an increase in security checks done in airports, especially with people traveling internationally into the United States.
    Outside our borders-
    • There will be a 25% increase in the amount of guards patrolling outside of our borders.
    • Guards will receive 15 hours of training a week to insure they are well prepared to keep illegal immigrants out.
    • Extremely tall, electric fences will blockade the entrance into the United States with guards monitoring around them at all hours of the day and night.

    • Healthcare and healthcare insurance will be made universal to anyone in need of it.
    • The payment amount of treatment or any medication will be determined on the financial circumstances of the patient.
    • Dentistry will go into this health plan without being its own system.

    • To help the unemployment rate, small, paid jobs will be added to communities.
    • There will be a .5% increase in property taxes of houses worth $250,000 or more.
    • There will be huge emphasis on the trade between the United States and countries like China, Japan and Brazil; we have to keep them happy to give us a stable income.

    • There will be no levies passed in school districts; schools will maintain the wealth they have or even gain more through local fundraisers.
    • There will be distribution of all new books, materials and affordable (in budget) technological devices in all school districts.
    • Classroom sizes will be maintained to at maximum 25 people per class to ensure enough attention to each student.

    Kati Mdzinarishvili

    1. How can we patrol outside our borders? It's in another country.
      You internal security sounds even more like external, with walls and fences to guard against illegals coming in. Did you get my comments on the internal security points?

  8. Party for Social and Economic Equality of Americans
    1. Security
    To promote security within our borders I propose decreasing the emphasis of law enforcement in matters regarding drug control and focus it instead on preventing violent crimes and acts of terrorism. I also suggest background checks on any recent or incoming immigrants as well as opening hotlines for citizens to report their concerns as well as suspicious activity involving matters of violent crimes or terrorism.
    To promote security outside out borders I propose an increase in drone surveillance over areas of conflict, such as the territory held by ISIL. I also propose increasing the amount of undercover informatives in these areas to infiltrate and better understand these groups. In addition to this I propose a decrease in bombings of civilian areas so as to avoid unnecessary casualties.

    2. Health
    To promote health I suggest available, government funded healthcare be provided to all citizens. In addition to this I propose providing better health education in school as well as increasing the quality of first responder services.

    3. Economy
    To promote the economy I suggest increasing taxation of the wealthy, and using that money to establish aid programs for those of lower income in order to help bridge the wealth disparity gap. I also propose raising minimum wage to $10 an hour to boost purchases from those in lower income brackets as well as supporting the establishment of small businesses.

    Gavin Demali

    1. You skipped Education. No Goals or Strategies?
      Other propsals are versions of what I've heard before, but more broad-ranging. Good luck!

  9. Political party name: The New Age Party
    Security inside our borders: strict background checks on all, increase law enforcement at all major airports, businesses, and at our borders and people entering the U.S. must pass strict background checks and interrogation.
    Security outside our borders: security procedures increase, increase military control that we send to other countries, immigrates entering the U.S. must be search and have a background check done before even crossing the border.
    Health: more affordable healthcare for all, make healthcare free who those households who make less than $20,000 a year combine, have more free clinics who will take donations but the government help provide for the free clinic.
    Economy: increase the tax on people who make more than $150,000 a year, tax break for households who make less $60,00 a year together, help increase employment to help decreases the unemployment rate.
    Education: bring back recess so kids can have a break from the school day, have a time during the day so children can read a book, bring back more gym and music classes.

    Victoria Lynner

    1. More recess! More Music!. More Gym! You'll get the youth vote for sure!

  10. Political Party Name: Independent American Party

    Security- To promote security within our borders from aliens or immagrants, in which they should not be allowed to come over to the United States unless a certain age. Also prevent diseases like Ebola coming into the US if your not legally a born citizen and is not from a different country ouside of the US. For security outside our borders we need to invest more into stopping violent terroist act or crimes like the ISIS Crisis. Also Invest more funding into the military and equipment to keep foreigners out if not a US Citizen.

    Health- health care should be affordable for everyone and shouldn't cost and arm and a leg to get it. Social Security age limit should be changed from 85 to 25 years of age so that US citizens can obtain the hard earn money they work for. Far as welfare and being helped by the government I feel as if anyone should be allowed to get helped if not making over $15 an hour plus house holdsize.

    Economy- Minimum wage should raised to $10 an hour instead of $7.95 an hour. We should invest more in schools and stand by the levy no child left behind Act because education is the key. Also we need to invest more in helping and giving back to our communities by taxing people who make over than $75,000 a year.

    Jordan Wells

    1. Radical change to social Security. Can we afford your changes? You should get a lot people suppoting your proposals, though.

  11. Title: Federal Constitutionalist Party
    Goal: The goal of this party to stay true to the Constitution and to uphold the sovereign rights that it contains.
    Inside our borders:
    This party requires proper background checks for all incoming immigrants.
    Provide better trained officers for the security of our airports and borders.
    More rights for the protection and defense of one’s property
    Outside our borders:
    Greater security for US Embassies and Military bases around the world
    Better training for protection from a current threat
    A greater support for a stronger military
    Do away with Federal Healthcare and bestow power to the states and the industries
    Provide a better budget for the work on cancer, heart disease, and psychological disorders, ect.
    Better our nursing home facilities and the care that is given
    Proof of employment to receive welfare
    Do away with the Free Market System
    Take to control of spending out of the hands of the Federal Government
    Remove the Federal Government out of the college tuition system and put it in the hands of the individual states.
    This party supports the better education on the dangers of drug abuse
    A better education on the foundation of this country.

    1. Are you proposing no more market-base capitalistic economy? What will replace it. A Government controlled economy? States take over control as in pre_Constitution times? Affordable Care Act out the window, replaced with State ideas. Pretty radical changes!

  12. Dennis Smith
    Urban Society
    Assignment 3

    My name is Dennis Wayne Smith, and my political party is, Definitely Need Security or D.W.S for short. Therefore, I will address 4 goals for the nation. Those 4 goals are security, both within and out of the country, as well as health, economy, and education.
    Security will be more efficient, their will be more officers and border patrol watching our entries into the United States. We need to stop giving our jobs to illegal immigrants. Any Americans who associate with terrorist will be locked up for interrogation. Americans need their jobs to support the family; consequently illegals are stealing jobs, American’s are joining terrorist groups, and our borders are being overrun by individuals trying to make their way into the United States. I will solve the problem by enforcing military troops to our boarders.
    Inside this country, we will not permit harboring of illegal immigrant trying to get a free ride. We will have trained professionals from our government at airports to better assure the safety of our country. We will have more officers patrolling the streets to stop crime in the United States. We will protect our children by offering self defense classes to mothers, we will achieve better security in America.
    Health is a big deal in our country; we will have benefits and free health care for those who need it. We will have fund raisers every month for the lower class families who really need it. We will not let those with a deadly disease come into our country to affect those individuals in the United States. We will close down the airports, and stop all flights if need be to assure the health of Americans in this country. We will allow veterans to see any doctor they choose, instead of just doctors at the VA. We can make America a lot healthier, and allow more individuals the chance to live a better life.
    America will be better off by keeping the manufacturing jobs in our country, instead of sending the work overseas. We will provide more opportunities for jobs, and in return will have more income to be spent in the United States. America will stop depending on other countries for materials or resources such as oil. We need to limit our spending on war that involves the whole world and not just America. This country will make other’s get involved in these financial situations, so we will not grow deeper into dept. With more jobs and better income, Americans will be able to buy more economic friendly property, like energy efficient light bulbs, and gas efficient vehicles. Our economy will be better; we can all make the change together and fix this problem.
    Education should be available to individuals of the lower class as well as the upper class. Those in need should still have the chance to better themselves in life with more education. Instead of children missing school because the parents don’t care, we need to make the parent, or parents sit with their children in school, because if the parents have to go, I’m sure they will make their children go to class as well. We need to make sure the teachers are actually qualified in teaching the future of America. Parents of children in school should take a placement test every year so they can teach their children, if the parents are not well educated then they can’t help their children succeed. Education is a huge factor in the United States, we need to make it more affordable so more Americans can achieve greatness.

    1. Parents in school with kids every day? When can they go to work!
      What are health fund-raisers for if they already get free care?
      Like you idea of getting other countries getting involved in war activity in coordination with us, if necessary.
      Lots of good ideas.

  13. Party name: For Americans Best (FAB) Party
    Any person proved to be involved in any terrorist activities in the US will be executed. I plan to crack down on people and/or groups that traffic fake visas and passports, and human smugglers… harsher punishment. Lastly, no person who has been around a person with Ebola may enter the country until there is 100% certainty that they do not have the disease and will not spread it to US citizens.
    First, I would like to work with Mexico and Canada to improve relations, which would further increase border security. Second, I plan to implement a more extensive process for suspected terrorists that are flying into the US to ensure they are not terrorists. Lastly, better training and surveillance on borders.

    To improve health, I plan to lower health care and insurance rates. I plan to encourage healthier food options and portion control in schools, restaurants, etc. Lastly, I will put more money into cancer research so we can find a cure within the next 5 years.

    First, I plan to encourage colleges to lower tuition by at least 25%. I would like to put more funding into inner-city schools. I would also like to further train teachers. I plan to implement yearly refresher courses for teachers and teach them new, more effective teaching techniques so that our students can perform better academically.
    Sophie James

    1. No Economic Plan? Ooops. Your opposition will criticize you for failure to have a plan for jobs, the highest priority of the Amerivan public. Better fix this or else you might lose election!

      Executions of terrorists! Hope your plan will scare them away.

  14. Economy:
    I plan to legalize marijuana in all states so that it is taxable. I also want to encourage people to start businesses so that people have more places to spend their money. Lastly, I would like to raise minimum wage to $8.15 so that people have more money to spend.

    (I guess I missed this section when I copied and pasted this from my Word document...)
    Sophie James

    1. Oh, OK! Never mind!
      Grass=$$$$$ for local needs

  15. Party name: Protection Of People's Rights Association (P.O.P.R.A) party.

    Security: – We can Increase the security check in airports; therefore, monitor individuals with criminal backgrounds that enter the country. We can also decrease the crime rates by increasing security and educate individuals on crimes and effects of sanctions. We can improve border security by providing more officials at the borders. We should monitor the effects our troops have on other countries to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

    Health: - We can improve our research on treatments of deadly diseases. Free healthcare options should be provided for the elderly and unemployed personnel’s. Government funded health care should be provided to all citizens who cannot afford it. People should also be educated on food s and diets to take. Exercising should be encouraged considering the fact that more than two-thirds (68.8 percent) of adults are considered to be overweight in America. The advertising of unhealthy foods should be limited as well. We should educate more individuals on the effects of Smoking as it is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States as stated by the “CDC.”

    Economy: Provide job opportunities for the homeless and convicted felons. I f felonies are limited with job opportunities; they will have no choice than to commit more crimes in other to survive. Tax rates should be equal. Increasing tax for wealthier people is unfair. They earned the right to be wealthy. Decreasing tax for the poor would lead to lack of inventiveness to be wealthier. Only give tax breaks to the disabled and single parents. In addition, we can create more government jobs for the unemployed. Citizens should also be encouraged to participate more in voting and should be aware of the effects it can have on them.

    Education: Classroom sizes should be at max 30 per class in order to give students attention. Students work better with attention. It makes them feel important. Students should be engaged in more cooperative learning, working on teams. They then learn the communication skills and how to collaborate with one another. College fees should be reduced in order to give each individual a chance of college experience. The more people that get educated, the better the economy.

    1. Interesting views on tax rates for poor and wealthy. Free health care for elderly and poor.
      Student teams a good idea, Nana

  16. Party Name: The Equalizing Party


    From Inside Our Boarders-
    1. Airport security systems will be more thorough on and off the planes.
    2. Acts of violence are more hurtful to society than most others, so these will be the ones with the highest consequences in the legal system.
    3. Increase boarder control.

    From Outside Our Boarders-
    1. Send troops to help other countries in need of food, water and/or medical assistance.
    2. Help settle global squabbles but in such a way so that we don’t get too involved, just help deal with the situation and make it better for everyone.
    3. Keep problems outside of the boarders.

    1. To ensure everyone has health insurance we will add it as a benefit to every job, regardless of what the job is as long as the person is working part-time. There will be a small fee (like a tax) taken from the persons check once a month to compensate.
    2. To better protect the health of our citizens, people who visit from other countries will be asked to fill out a questionnaire regarding their health and if their answers are questionable they will be asked to receive a quick check up.
    3. More money from taxes will be used for research in finding cures for diseases and sicknesses.

    1. There will be a yearly check for all companies where the person in charge will be responsible for making sure that each and every employee is being treated equally in the aspects of pay and rank.
    2. To work towards equalizing the woman’s working dollar to the man’s, there will be an equal amount of men and women at each business establishment in order to even out pay rates.
    3. Each company in the United States will have a percentage standard tailored to their specific company of how many minorities they should have working for them to be supporting the equalizing vision.

    1. All students are required to start learning a foreign language in their first year (Kindergarten) of schooling and continue to take classes up until graduation.
    2. To improve national test averages all schools will be 1 hour longer to compensate for and extra hour of study time at the end of the day where students get extra help from teachers.
    3. Undergraduate school will be required directly after high school eliminating the need for tuition until graduate school.

    Kristony Norman

    1. 50/50 proportion of men and women for all business. Big change. Foreign language in early years a must. I agree. Also young kids are very good at picking up new languages.
      Your emplyment % by race requirement sounds a lot like affirmative action.

  17. Party name: Freedom Party

    - passport
    -background check, make sure you have a clean history
    -reasoning, as to why and what you're doing
    -background check, make sure you have a clean history
    -clean of illegal substances
    -weapon free
    -disease free, show that everything can be helped
    -curable, show things can be cured
    -health insurance
    -debt free
    -affordable, adjusted to your income
    get rid of fast food, promote exercise
    -debt free
    -environmental friendly
    -safe, good security,
    -stable working environment
    -safe community school system
    -challenging accelerated classes
    -accepting of diversity
    Challenging study habits and classes younger, to be more successful when older

    Alex Burkett

    1. What's "debt-free" health? Your plan for security in/out of country sounds the same for both?

  18. Political Party Name: For Our Future (FOF) Party
    Party Goals: Improving security both inside and outside of our borders, health, economy, and education.
    Security inside our borders: 1. Strengthening and fixing our immigration system.
    2. Work with Mexico to enhance cross-border commerce and ties while managing our common threats, along with Canada by sharing resources, personnel, and information to uncover and disrupt threats that endanger our security.
    3. Combat transnational crime. Enforce criminal organizations that stop people who traffic in drugs, weapons, money, and those who smuggle people across the borders.
    Security outside our borders:
    1. Prevent terrorist attacks by acting immediately on threats/ suspicions by sending troops to desired country.
    2. If a widespread, contagious disease is found outside of our borders, all transportation must be cut off from that general area.
    3. Increase in surveillance of borders to reduce conflict, and especially problem areas.

    1. More fundable healthcare, depending on family income & struggles (government funded).
    2. Close down all airports/ways of transportation into the United States if putting our citizen’s health and lives in danger.
    3. Conduct more organizations that take donations to improve research and treatment options for deadly diseases.
    1. Raise the minimum wage so people can still work minimum wage jobs and live somewhat comfortably instead of constantly struggling to get by.
    2. Have tax breaks for single parents.
    3. Have grocery stores/clothing stores always donate their leftovers to organizations or shelters for those in need.
    1. Limit the amount of technology allowed in schools. No phones, no computers or for homework/tests. Try to education children without having them rely on technology for the answers.
    2. No drop out age. All children are required to at least finish High School.
    3. Offer many different programs for pregnant moms/struggling teens so they don’t give up on education.

    Shannon Koch

    1. Wow! No more drop-outs allowed. Good luck. Also, no more technology allowed. You have my vote!

  19. Anna Derr
    Official Party Name: The Equals
    Inside our boarders:
    1. Better security inside of our school systems. Upon entry they will be scanned by a medal detector and arrested on spot if they have any kind of weapon.
    2. Enforce the laws for every and any crime. Our jail systems may need to expand, but criminals need to pay the consequences for their actions.
    3. Boarder control is the most important issue to enforce. Our ecomony will not get any better if we are allowing illegal immigrants to take the jobs. We need to have tighter security at our boarders.
    Outside our Boarders:
    1. We need to stop fighting wars for the rest of the world. Keep our troops inside of the United State until our security is in danger.
    2. Strong security inside of our Embassies that are stationed in other Countries.
    3. If possible we need to access our allies and enemies and try to come to a compromise to stop the constant threat of war.

    1. Reform on the previous bills that do not allow employees to work more than 30 hours without the company being required to provide health care. Companies are beginning to cut down on hours to get around giving them insurance. We need insurance that is not dependent on the hours an employee works.
    2. Address the growing problem of Ebola entering our boarders. We need to track our citizens that go in and out of Africa.
    3.New Health Care Reform, based on income for middle class and for lower class, hire practicing Doctors to staff clinics to save the emergency room from being a walk in doctors office.

    1. Most important: we need to bring our factories home. Keep the rubber factories here in Akron to create thousands of jobs. Make more American made products so we can employ people in those factories as well.
    2. The government needs to be more transparent about our spending. Our debt increases by thousands of dollars per minute but we can figure out why.
    3. Keep our money inside of the United State. We need to stop sending money to other countries when our economy is failing.

    1. Education reform where we hold students and teachers responsible for their education. We are blaming the teachers for the children that fail, but we need to hold them accountable also. Regulation of schools and students is very important.
    2. Affordable college for all students. Paying for school is one of the leading causes for students not attending college.
    3. Make a college degree more achievable for students. Getting to school and achieving those goals without any help is almost never possible. Provide someone to students to walk them through all 4 years to accomplish their goals.

    1. These are great ideas! The 30 hour cut-off for health care is crazy. Fix this! I agree. Also ERs functioning as a clinic is wrong. I vote for your measures.

  20. Republicrat Party: A blend of the two major parties at work in America today, bringing together State rights and Federal legislation to boost both economy and the individual.

    Zach Taylor

    Security within borders:
    -Enforced background checks to weed out illegal immagrants as job candidates.
    -State funded and controlled school and mall security guards to increase vigilance to public threats.
    -Increased militarily trained personnel presence at airports.

    Security outside the borders:
    -Increased military presence at international US embassies.
    -Mobilization of troops to any US threatening force internationally.
    -Preventative quarantining and reduction of American military of internationally threatening diseases.

    -Install a new area of healthcare for homeless persons including free clinics.
    -Continue to supply steady funding to Medicare/Medicaid.
    -Make public University health services free to attending students without requiring insurance.

    -Provide significant tax cuts to American companies who choose to employ American workers on American soil rather than outsourcing to other countries.
    -Tax all citizens based on their income level. No exceptions.
    -Allow the American public to vote on issues where the taxed money should be budgeted every 2 years.

    -Form a national standard for curriculums nationwide to raise America's future to be the brightest in the world.
    -Enact legislature to limit the cost of tuition to public Universities to allow greater attendance and lift the poverty line.
    -Perform yearly analyses of educators nationwide to maintain a high level of excellence in American schools.

  21. My party is the Brighter party. Our party does anything and everything possible to do what is best for the future generations of our country.

    Inside our borders:
    Drug testing for all on government assistance. Background checks for any immigrants. Harsher punishment for positions of illegal weapons.
    Outside our borders:
    End the current war. Create partnerships with all other countries. Create an act toward world peace
    Mental health drug clinics providing free drugs for mental health care. Free STD testing and treatment. Convenient access to birth control and condoms.
    Legalization of marijuana with local taxation. Cheaper gas prices. Higher taxation on unhealthy substances such as tobacco and alcohol.
    Standardized test placement in areas of need. Low cost for higher education. Increase pay for educators.


  22. This is the Fraternal Union of Constitutional Knowledge and Accountability for Social Stability


    -Inside the borders:

    1.Any person wishing to enter the United States must undergo a background check and those wishing to immigrate would have to go through proper channels to be come citizens. Any undocumented foreigner would be deported without delay.

    2.Allow trained teachers in our schools to help combat the threat of active shooter situations, even those qualified in the use and safety of firearms. Also, drills for such scenarios to that students of all ages can reduce their risk of becoming a victim of such a tragedy. This is more cost effective and efficient than spending more money for more police in schools or armed guards and can still offer some immediate protection.

3. Foreign or domestic terrorists, or those supporting such individuals or groups that pose a threat to the United States will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law with maximum penalties that are fitting to offenses committed. These persons will be handled as individual cases to ensure due process. No more “cookie cutter” imprisonment where innocent people are put in jail.


-Outside the Borders:

    1.Restrict civilian travel to and from areas of the world where the safety of the United States and its citizens could be threatened (disease, terrorism, etc.) in order to help prevent our citizens from becoming casualties overseas.

    2.Respond swiftly and firmly with partner nations to threats in order to maintain safety and security the United States and its allies without being the “world police”. It takes a joint effort.

    3.Sometimes negotiations fail. We cannot be afraid to use overwhelming force if necessary to protect our country and its interests. While it is important to maintain allies in the world, the safety and security of the United States comes first.


    1. Get rid of the affordable health care act as it currently is provisioned. Living is a right, not a privilege. Do not make people pay for insurance who rarely need or ever use it. And if they should need it, it is on them.

    2. Hold citizens accountable for their own well being and not have healthy people foot the bill for someone suffering from ailments caused by self-inflicted behavior (smoking, drinking, drugs).

    3. Expand research and treatment options for deadly diseases like cancer. These funds can be apportioned from the money saved from not housing undocumented individuals in American prisons for months at a time, prior to deportation.


    1. Put the American Dollar back on the gold standard to make it stronger in the global economy and decrease inflation while implementing platform to help reduce the national debt.

    2.Tax breaks for companies who chose to hire American workers and keep manufacturing jobs in the United States, especially in the automotive industry.

    3.Become more energy independent by drilling on United States soil. This will make prices cheaper. And invest in nuclear power, modern reactors are a source of renewable, yes I said renewable, energy that can easily support the technology used in our society, unlike solar, wind, and hydro.


    1. Educate people starting in school about being accountable for their actions as well as finically to end this sense of entitlement that has overcome the country by teaching students life skills and money management.

    2. I’m usually not one for government stepping in, but make all state funded institutions of higher education the same price of tuition. This can encourage students to go to schools with respectable educational programs and not low budget schools with subpar education standards.

    3. Encourage more vocational training is middle and high school. Not every student is going to want to go to college to be a doctor and trade jobs are increasingly vacant and need workers to fill them.

    1. Vocational training undervalued at present. "College" should be reconstituted to include voc training in many instances. I also feel we're drifitng away from liberal arts such that students are losing touch with non-technical matters that I feel are essential for persons being enriched, productive citizens in our country and the world. My take on this subject!

  23. Freedom Plunderers Party
    Mackenzie Cox
    Freedom Plunderers are a launching populist party. Our goal is to make it aware we want more from the government than it is giving us. This group has been started because cattle sales and factory workers in small towns that are being treated unfairly and want their voices to be heard. The goals of this party are:
    • Show that marketing with the cattle is failing because of Industrial farming. That being said, the marketing prices on meats and other produces need to increased or get rid of industrial farming as a whole.
    • Factory workers want 8 hour work days instead of twelve hour work days.
    • Change the silver ration in the coinage.
    • Get more health benefits from the government since Obama care is hard to play for and get under certain requirements.
    • More programs should be benifited for the youth of the county that don't have a way to get to vocational training for FFA.

  24. My party is called “Peaceful&Better Life" party and the party goals includes three categories: Health, Security, and education. each category has its own steps to improve it:

    1) Health:
    * each immigrants should get a medical examination and give it to the united states embassy in his country before he travel to the united states. and if he has a dangerous infectious disease, he should not be allowed to get into the united states. For people who seek treatment in U.S, their should be a new system that transport them to the united states with medical stuff for health security.

    * United states should ban going to the places or countries that has any kind of infectious diseases for health safety.

    * Better security system inside the country, and emphasis on making crime penalties much stronger so anyone think about it twice before he does anything, and if it has been done by non-americans, they should be banned from entering the unites states after they get punished and put them in the blacklist.
    * All immigrants should get a background checks including criminal background before they get into the united states
    * in the airport, there should be a law enforcement trained next to the police stuff for security purposes. in addition, If they noticed any kind of terrorism ,or representing a specific terrorist category, they should be punished, either by death penalty or prison for their whole life. these people if they could not be dangerous to the united states, they will be dangerous to other countries.

    * make a system that put a limit for schools and universities fundings and fees and make it affordable for the students as well. I believe that lots of people do not go the college because they have been paying for the school. in addition, lots of them can’t focus on their studying because it is too expensive and they have to study in the morning and work at night.

    * government should provide a college scholarships for a good students with good grades when they graduate from their high school.

    -Feras Afandy

  25. My political party is called Crayons to Cradle or C2C. My party's goals includes Security, Health, Economy, and Education. Each category has 3 steps to improve each category.

    1. Security (Inside our borders)
    - Each worker needs a background check
    - No drugs or alcohol will be allowed in our walls or on our premises
    - No weapons allowed in our walls or on our premises

    Security (Outside our borders)
    - Each worker needs a background check
    - No felonies
    - Must be legal in the country

    2. Health
    - All immigrant workers must have no diseases
    - Do more research about diseases that we don't know about
    - Provide health care for anyone who needs it

    3. Economy
    - Increase production with goods and services
    - Decrease unemployment rates in the United States
    - Help to decrease the debt on the debt clock

    4. Education
    - Provide more scholarships
    - Provide more one on one learning
    - Provide more funding for schools who need help

    -Herbert Koger
