Wednesday, September 17, 2014

FYI-Virtual Child Pornography Ruled Legal and Protected Speech by US SC in 2002

I believe a relatively Ohio SC case ruled that if actual child proven to be used in modelling an avatar, criminal activity has ensued. No time right now to track this down again.


  1. I still think this is wrong. It is just disturbing even if it is a virtual child. There needs to be a stop to childhood pornography in general. Children should not be sexualized, and I think if anything, this just adds on to the pedophiles addictions. Obviously its better than a real child being exploited, but I still believe it is wrong.

  2. I agree with Emily. Even if it is an avatar it is still disgusting and wrong. The children of our country are the future. Why allow pedophiles to taint the future? We have our whole lives to experience sex. You only get to be a child once. Let kids be kids while they can.
    Brittanie Mackey
